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Rencontres de St-Gall | 03–04 September 2024, St.Gallen
The Mechanical Turk and its Grandchildren ante portas:
The Significance of Artificial Intelligence in Entrepreneurship Research and Practice

Session C

«AI and entrepreneurial finance»

Chairs: Schaper, Michael / Souitaris, Vangelis
Bold names indicate the Rencontres’ participants
Antretter, Torben / Wesemann, Henrik / Djokovic, Djordje / Souitaris, Vangelis / Wincent, Joakim

Obesity stereotypes and angel investment decisions: Investigating the role of founders’ BMI in venture funding
Burmeister-Lamp, Katrin / Khuat, Thao Nguyen

How signals influence ICO Success in AI startups: A configurational approach
Dimov, Dimo

AI, Venture Capital and Start-Ups: Systemic Implications
Hsueh, Josh Wei-Jun

Impact of AI on the Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Communication
Kleinert, Simon / Urbig, Diemo

LLMs as Early-Stage Investors
Vanacker, Tom

AI and entrepreneurial finance
2024 | University of St.Gallen – Swiss Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship | KMU-HSG